Islam is from Allah, The Creator and Sustainer of all that exists.
As such, it is for Him Alone to command and direct His creation and He Alone is responsible for what He will accept and what He will not accept.
It is also for Him Alone to decree what is good and what is bad and He must be the One to show the right path in all things.
Everything in the life of the creations of Allah, especially for those who have choices to make (us), must be dictated and clarified by the One who Created everything in the fist place.
We understand from this that Islam must be a complete and total way of living, explaining everything in the life from beginning to end and from birth until death.
Islam is careful to remind us that it is not a religion to be paid mere lip service; rather it is an all-encompassing way of life that must be practiced continuously for it to be Islam.
There are other injunctions and commandments which concern virtually all facets of one's personal, family and civic life. These include such matters as diet, clothing, personal hygiene, interpersonal relations, business ethics, responsibilities towards parents, spouse and children, marriage, divorce and inheritance, civil and criminal law, fighting in defense of Islam, relations with non-Muslims, and so much more.
In conclusion, we are forced to realize that ISLAM is a complete way of life for the human being. Everything is covered in Islam from birth to death to live in the complete submission to the Will of the One Who Created man in the first place.
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